In this blog, I’ll be listing down all the top and best books for the 3rd-year of MBBS. These books are also recommended by National Medical Commission (NMC) and will be of great use to 3rd-year MBBS medical students, both to learn and grasp the subject as well as to score well in exams.
First off, congratulations on making it to your third year!
The 3rd year of MBBS (final prof part 1) is a little different from the other years. There are 4 subjects in MBBS third year. Aside from Community Medicine or Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM) and Forensic Medicine, you now have two clinical subjects in the form of Otolaryngology (ENT) and Ophthalmology.
The time available to cover these subjects is more than enough, which is one year. You must have heard your seniors talking about how chill 3rd year is, and I completely agree. However, freedom always comes with responsibilities. Basically, you can chill up to a point but if you do that the whole year, you may have a hard time passing.
You need to make smart and correct choices when selecting books. Choose the books that are easier to follow based on your reading style, understanding pattern, and time constraints.
Here is the list of books I used during my third year as an MBBS medical student for Community Medicine or Preventive and Social Medicine (PSM), Forensic Medicine, Otolaryngology (ENT) and Ophthalmology.
List of Best Books For MBBS 3rd Year
1. Dhingra’s Diseases of Ear, Nose & Throat

The most popular and recommended textbook in ENT remains Dhingra, and I agree with that. Topic-wise, it is quite concise and well-organised. It presents the topic clearly enough to be regarded as a standard textbook. Nearly all of the topics covered in university exams are included.
For practicals, most students don’t get a separate book for it, but I would recommend Practical ENT by Vikas Sinha. This is a clinically oriented book that is particularly useful for revision before practical exams.
It begins with an introduction to the importance of thorough history taking and the following chapters explain the necessary examination techniques, operative procedures, applied anatomy, and more. The final sections of this practical guide provide FAQs for quick revision and case presentations to assist learning.
2. AK Khurana’s Comprehensive Ophthalmology

The most widely followed textbook for Ophthalmology is Comprehensive Ophthalmology by AK Khurana.
As a first-time reader of Ophthalmology, you will have difficulty understanding the subject properly. Once you attend classes, watch videos and gain an understanding of the basics, reading Ophthalmology will no longer be a challenge.
When it comes to textbooks for Ophthalmology, we have two options. If you are familiar with the writing style of foreign authors’ books, you can read Parson’s. While it isn’t as well organized as Khurana, it does explain the concepts well. In most foreign author books, you’ll have trouble figuring out how to answer questions from them in the profs.
As an alternative, I recommend AK Khurana, which is quite compact with most topics organized as points. In the end, it is your best option when it comes to remembering relevant points for exams.
Khurana is very easy to understand and you can write your answers very easily with it, so most people prefer it over Parsons. Parsons, on the other hand, can be somewhat challenging to comprehend.
For practicals, most students don’t get a separate book for it, but I would recommend Clinical Methods in Ophthalmology by Dadapeer K.

This is a clinically oriented book that is particularly useful for revision before practical exams. It contains a clinically structured questionnaire for each case discussion as well as a detailed explanation of history taking. Important points have been highlighted in coloured boxes to make learning easier.
3. Park’s Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine

The subject of community medicine or preventive and social medicine (PSM) is one of the most dreaded of the entire MBBS course because of its bulkiness and rote learning. In order to remember it well, one needs to read it multiple times.
The most popular and conventional textbook in most of the medical colleges in India is Park‘s Textbook of PSM. Although I wouldn’t call it good or bad, it is what it is.
Most medical colleges typically teach according to Park’s and expect students to write according to it. Although the subject itself is monotonous, the manner in which Park is written is also dull. Since not much effort is put into explaining stuff, those who aren’t used to books like these might find it hard to follow.
4. AH Suryakantha’s Community Medicine with Recent Advances

For those who find Park’s textbook difficult to read, you may want to consider Community Medicine with Recent Advances by AH Suryakantha.
The information in this textbook is arranged in points and tables, which makes it the most user-friendly book on the subject. Additionally, it contains numerous illustrations and diagrams that are clinically valuable.
5. KS Narayan Reddy’s Essentials of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Unfortunately, this subject does not receive the attention it deserves, and a lot of that is caused by the way textbooks are written. Most people lose interest after the introductory chapters.
Here’s something you should know, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (FMT) is the defence you’ll need for yourself in your career. You save patients and FMT saves you!
When the University exams are approaching, Forensic Medicine is often the most overlooked and neglected subject. Therefore, you should read it throughout the year.
The most widely followed textbook for Forensic Medicine is Essentials of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology by KS Narayan Reddy.
Since this textbook is indeed extensive in many places, you should read what’s required based on previous year’s questions from your University exams, as you will have little time left after reading the other three subjects.
For those who find this book challenging, you may want to consider the synopsis version, as it is comparatively much smaller and more concise.

What’s The Cost of MBBS 3rd Year Books?
The cost of 3rd year MBBS books can vary greatly based on the kind and number of books (whether they are standard or non-standard) one decides to purchase. On average, it might range from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 8,000. However, if one wishes to buy multiple books for a single subject, the expenses can climb higher.
To get a precise figure, consider adding the desired books to your Amazon shopping cart, which will give you an accurate total.
I hope you found this helpful! Comment below if you did.
Goodluck Medicoholics! Until next time.
These Books are very useful for 3rd Year MBBS Students.
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